Comments on: Fourth climate talk asks, how to feed the world? A global educational news service for young people Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Conner Mon, 08 May 2023 17:20:12 +0000 It’s patently obvious to me that the next big global crisis is a food crisis exacerbated by climate change and global migration not to mention an even greater pandemic of which the last one was probably just a dress rehearsal for things to come. Just those three scenarios will eventually rebalance the earth’s health, albeit within a crisis of global catastrophic consequences that will take out billions with, as we see, wars and rumours of wars, just like all the great writers have been telling us for the best part of 70 years, yet we never learn. It is also obvious to me that managed decline of the west is a real thing and that the biggest scam of all is so-called democracy as decided by a cabal of newspaper owners, proven too, in my opinion, by nonsense such as the spectacle of the latest royalist /establishment scam in the UK that is the drum beat in the background as I write this paragraph. The end for many is nearer than we all think, unless the aliens step in and protect us from ourselves, but I believe they won’t do anything until the numbers of the global population is vastly reduced to about 2 billion at most, if we are somewhat lucky and they help jus at all?..
